26 LETTERS: d’Verse Fractal Prompt

A. B. C. D.
You know the rest
26 letters
That have stood the test
Of time
Forming a fractal
Fraction of the alphabet
Alpha and Beta
Help you narrate a
Tale or two
Tell poeple who
you are
These individual letters,
When placed together,
Form words
(Which make our lives better)
These words form sentences
To describe a time or a place
Bring your emotions to life
Help you retrace
Your soul
Challenge you and console
These sentences merge together
And slowly evolve
Into fully fledged stories
Around which
Communication revolves
Poetry or prose
Fiction or not
These words can explode
Inform and entertain
Our very own language
That we use to absolve
Resolve and explain
Express our deepest desires
Ignite revolutions and fires
Just 26 letters
Can unshackle those fetters
Change our point of view Bring order to our world
And change it too

Written for dVerse poetics. Yesterday’s host, Lisa, says: Now that I have hopefully acquainted you with the concept and examples of fractals and connected them to poetry by subject and application, your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is:

1) Use any of the definitions, examples, images, or application of fractals to inspire you to write whatever strikes your fancy.


2) Think about something/someone in your world that you have, up to this point, only given a superficial consideration of and decide to look a little closer at it/them. Use what you discover as fodder for a poem.

The poem above titled 26 LETTERS is the result. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading it! 🙏🤞😁

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