EYE’VE BEEN WATCHING YOU – Sadje’s #WhatDoYouSee #WDYS Poetry Image Prompt #169

For the visually challenged reader, Sadje has provided us this image above which shows a shot of a green field, in the center of which is a flowerbed shaped like an eye and the flowers planted to give an impression the eye is staring directly forward. Below lies my contribution: 👇👇👇


Eye’ve been watching you
(But I’m no grass)
Without you even realising.
As you’ve hopped & skipped
Through the fields each day
While you’ve harvested the crops
And the cows have grazed
No “fields of gold” here
Just fields as old as time
Borne of supernatural wisdom
Full of horticultural vision
Designed by Mother Nature
To provide for our needs
Carefully & intricately crafted
Into the sheathes of grass
So as to keep an eye on us
If you will
(Yet remain hidden from sight)
To gleam a deeper understanding
Of man’s comings and goings
And their strange ways
As we live each day
Crossing to and fro
Over the chlorophyll terrain

Should you wish to participate in the prompt then you can access it through the following link: 👇👇👇


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